Thursday 22 October 2015

Growing Patterns

This week we have been learning about growing patterns. Mrs. Pilat drew a cat on the white board and we had to tell her how many eyes it had. Then we had to tell her how many eyes two cats had. We did this all the way up to seven cats. Did you know seven cats have fourteen eyes? We were counting by two's! The next day we had to solve a growing pattern problem on the smart board. We each had a turn filling in the graph. When counting by eight, Cass showed Mrs. Pilat a cool trick to find the answer. He was the teacher! Today, we started a spider art activity where we had to count the number of legs. If there were three spiders, there would be twenty-four legs! 8+8+8=24. Mrs. Pilat showed us a way to figure out how to count by eight: Add 10 and take away 2 from the answer! 

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